
Answer me this: Has oppression shaken you up so much that your knees break? Your soul gets perpetually crushed? Every day feels like a struggle—a beautiful struggle?

‘Cause I have,

And still do.

I spit analytical frameworks

Through my breath

I make sense of normalized oppression

So I can decolonize my soul

‘Cause I can no longer breathe

With everything I know

Cycles of oppression

I feel it

Circulating in my blood

I live from it

Cycles of oppression

Have kept my blood



Hot with rage

Cycles of oppression

Of being historically less

Because of my skin

My brown skin:

Lighter in the days of ice

Darker in the climax of seasons—

My skin keeps me warm

Perspiring with hope

If I show you more than my skin

I dare you: Breathe with me

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